Tuesday, April 1, 2008


How to Increase Your Battery Life

These will give you a serious extension on your battery life. If not, you've a bad battery or are using a non-OEM charger...get a replacement battery from Sprint. Everything below the bar is the 'quoted' material.

These WILL work, and WILL improve your performance!

1. HKLM\Comm\AsyncMac1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

2. HKLMComm\Irsir1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

3. HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

4. HKLM\Comm\L2TP1\Parms\DisablePowerManagement
Change Dword value from 1 (default) to 0

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