Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Make Your PocketPC Faster

Open your registry editor on your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 16384… or even to 32768 for a faster setting but eats up more memory
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.

Increase the Quality of the Video the camera takes :

HKey Local Machine\Software\HTC\Camera\ReParam\MP4Large (or Medium or Small).
Change the FramRate value from 10 to 19
*don't exceed 19


I changed the CacheSize key from 0 to 8192 and it seems to have sped up my ppc. not only that but BT 3900B doesnt seem to give me the memory error anymore that had begun to reoccur. give it a try and let me know what you find

Obviously you actually lose quite a bit of space with this hack with a value of 16384, around 16mb almost. I instead used 4096 as the value a 3-4mb loss, no biggie since i have a 1gb sd card). This seems to improve the speed of my PPC as well. I might try a value of 8192 here soon as well as i have plenty of space available

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